
I/O Brush at MIT Media Lab

The i/O Brush is a product developed by the MIT Media Lab that is able to capture images via a camera inside the brush and then transfer the image to an interactive screen via infrared LED's.  The brush has been exhibited at Ars Electronica and various other festivals and exhibitions but has yet to be put into production.  



"Daughters of Job" series by Alison Malone

"The Daughters of Job" by Alison Malone is a series of photographs documenting daughter and granddaughters of Freemasons.  The project is ongoing.



Arduino "Lily Pad" by Leah Buechley

The Lily Pad is a microcontroller board designed in collaboration between Leah Buechley and retailer SparkFun.  Microcontrollers such as the Lily Pad are designed to run with the computer program Arduino in order to make physical electronic components interact and be controlled by your computer.  The innovation that makes the Lily Pad so neat is it was designed for wearable projects (its washable and able to be sewn into fabrics) and its feminine design to attract girls to the world of physical computing.  Check out the Make Blog's article on Leah Buechley's DIY turn signal shirt.



map jack car from Joe McKay
