I've been trying to follow any advancements on the mysterious 'Rolly' device Sony has had under raps for awhile now. Today it was somewhat reveled..not really the new Walkman and music software that I was hoping for. The Rolly is a new robotic companion for the limited market that do enjoy robotic companions. Seems like Sony didn't learn their lesson from the worldwide failure of the ABIO dog and tried to give it a go again. If Sony were to bring back any kind of product it should have been the CLIÉ line of PDAs but anyway here's Rolly!
--Commercial created by Rozan & Schmeltz of Surface to Air.
Rolly Reveled
ACNE jeans newsletter
Finally arrived in the mail, worth the wait: ACNE jeans newsletter, which is free, came in a plastic wrap and is printed on some of the heaviest card-stock I have ever felt. Nice photos. Men's: almost a Thom Browne proportion thing with the pants, and great, classic uppers. Women's: high-waisted skirts+wide legged pants, big shirts.
For those who are only aware of thier denim, ACNE's collections offer simplicity at its fullest, and quality at its highest.
M magazine "Collete" feature
M Publications has a really great photo-essay on a project Kimberly Lloyd (for Strenesse feat. Elixirstudio) did in comission for Colette in Paris. It was a 100 shirt unisex run that was done in 2003. The reason you should check this out is because it shows the behind-the-scenes that most people don't get to see that exists even on projects a mundane as t-shirt design.
BLESS N° 31--ohyescoolgreat
While on P.A.M's someday store website I discovered this project called BLESS. I'm not really sure what it's all about yet, but is very interesting..I beleive it is a collective of creatives that design installations and clothing that associate with a particular theme.
BLESS 'girl' is a spot on discription of the girl i'd like to meet.
"BLESS is a visionary substitute to make the near future worth living for.
She is an outspoken female - more woman than girl. She’s not a chosen
beauty, but doesn’t go unnoticed. Without a definite age she could
be more between her mid twenties and forties. B. hangs around with
a special style of man. She has no nationality and thinks that sport is
quite nice. She’s always attracted by temptations and loves change.
She lives right now and her surroundings are charged by her presence.
She tends to be future orientated.
BLESS is a project that presents ideal and artistic values by
products to the public."
I discovered that this movie has gone under several guises during production. Along with that, the ambiguous title, and special site it really caught my attention. I'm exctied to see if a good marketing campain will finally bring a quality Action/Sci-fi movie.
..Directed by Matt Reeves
While flipping through the newest(??) edition of Arkitip, I came across an article which I found incredibly pertinent. It's all about architecture and the American bank's loss of grandeur. It's titled; ModerNov and it's about the Loz Feliz Bank of America. (click images for larger, readable jpeg's)
I'm very aware the photos on this page are rotated incorrectly, thank blogger for that, the larger files are upright.
Monocle on Fuji Kindergarten
This web/video article on Monocle's Design section features a kindergarten in Tachikawa called Fuji Kindergarten, which was designed by architect duo Takaharu & Yui Tezuka. What is really interesting about the kindergarten is that the Principal has a unique philosphy on teaching. Making interaction design part of the children's education, wanting to give them a "nostalgic future". After watching the feature it made me eager to sketch out some child oriented products of my own. Hopefully Fuji Kindergarten can set an example to others. Showing how design serves a very important part with how we learn and grow up.
Now that we finally have our blog up I'd like to highlight Aquascutum, one of my favorite labels out of England. love the attention the designers put into the clothing..keeping true to Aquascutum's heritage but still managing to evolve the brand on new levels. The fact that fall is fast approaching makes this post appropriate. Every girl should try and get at least one Aquascutum piece in rotation this fall..
Here are a few of my favorite pieces from the past two fall seasons..
Opening Ceremony
I'm sorry I meant to stop posting but I checked the Opening Ceremony page and noticed what others probably already have. US vs. Sweden! You will probably notice we love Sweden and all its designers so this is very sweet. If in NYC, please stop into this store.
Most have probably heard of Oki-Ni, the progressive store in London with a location on Saville Row. After browsing their site and reading the "about" section, I am more enamored with the store's mission. Truly to provide customers with one-off product is becoming increasingly difficult but they seem to really stick true to this. Among the well known brands MHI and Nom De Guerre (featured above) Oki-Ni showcases unknowns such as Lucia & Daisuke and Steven Alan.
To go beyond carrying well-known brands and house unknowns with pride is why I admire Oki-Ni
Fear and Trembling
Directed by French writer Alain Corneau, Fear and Trembling shows how amazing the sociological differences are between Western and Japanese corporate ethics. It mainly demonstrates how Japanese corporations have great emphasis on maintaining a sense of honor and loyalty to the company as if it were a family. Where in Western society there is a every man for himself mentality. This movie is great if you consider moving to Japan for work..it may even make you rethink your decision.
Fear and Trembling
What is Rolly?
Sony has created an interesting special site about a new device they have code named "Rolly"... and lets hope its just a code name. This mysterious device is supposedly going to be Sony's answer to Apple's iPod with a focus on video features. In my opinion they are going all wrong with revitalizing the Walkman brand. Its not the products but the User Experience. Sony's Walkman is actually superior to the iPod when looking at the specs. Sony's failure should be pointed to the terrible Connect software they pair with their Walkman products. But who knows can Rolly be a brand new device and managing software? We'll find out on September 10th.
Prefuse 73 + GH avisualagency
Guillermo Scott Herren's music has been a major influence to me as a young design student and I feel that the incredible art direction that accompanies the music needs to be noted.
The Brooklyn based GH avisualagency aka Graphic Havoc has worked on the Prefuse 73 website and Surrounded By Silence project including the design of various album covers in collaboration with photographer Grace Villamil (more on her later). GH has done an amazing job in mocking Prefuse 73's mix of digital and analog, creating a image that successfully makes an extension rather than a simple add on to Scott Herren and his music.
Graphic Havoc
Antenna Magazine Premiere Issue
Certainly a fresh and original publication, the guys behind Antenna have finally launched their premiere issue. Excited to finally get my hands on it mainly because all of the praise it has gotten (also to see if this is finally the answer to my desire of having an American magazine with content comparable to Huge)...not the case. Check it out, the premiere issue features a interesting interview with James Bond of UNDFTD. Think of Antenna more as a Complex with 'class'.
Fantastic Man Magazine
Fantastic Man is a publication about Men.
More and more the term, "style" gets thrown around. "Style" is not simply how you tuck your shirt into your belt or how high you roll your denim. From the creators of BUTT, the relentlessly stylish gay magazine, Fantastic Man is everything GQ, Vogue Homme, and Playboy used to be that you wish they still were: a journal for Men.
Sartorialist for kids
playlust"This one rule I always obey: whatever you do - do it in style because the world needs it." -real quote from site.
there's really nobody trying harder...