
Verwelkom naar België │ Welcome to Belgium

The thing I like about photography is that there is never a shortage of great work out there. I wanted to write a post about a collective of young creatives out of Belgium who really prove that point. Their work shares a common characteristic, in that it all display's a unique study of sexuality , human anatomy, expression, and gender. I wonder if the fact that Belgium and similar countries are a sort of hidden jewel in the world of European creativity contributes to the freedom these photographers and the like display in style and subject matter.

Lynn Kassztanovic Favourite*

Ima Wuytack

Ilja Smets

+I hope regions like Scandinavia (once considered an afterthought in the creative world) can maintain that sort of unique and 'free' type of ingenuity I see emerging in Belgium and other small European nations.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

The three of us just found out about this.
We are very honoured!!

sincerly yours,

Ima Wuyack,
Lynn Kasztanovics
Ilja Smets